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May 28, 2024
How Client Feedback Helped Shape PrimeXBT’s New Revamp

As an award-winning Cryptocurrency broker, PrimeXBT has gone live with fresh, new branding, alongside a series of product improvements.

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미디어에 소개된 PrimeXBT

May 3, 2024
Cost-Effective Trading: PrimeXBT’s Reduced Overnight Fees Benefits Users

A recurring problem many traders face is that of high fees eating away at their profits. Regardless of the strategy you build or the hours spent analysing trading charts for the best entry and exit points, high trading costs can negatively impact performance. It’s something that’s both frustrating, and all...

Apr 29, 2024
PrimeXBT's all-in-one platform: a game-changer in Crypto trading

When it comes to online trading, time is money, and efficiency is key. You don't want to waste precious moments juggling multiple platforms, trying to make sense of complex interfaces, or paying high fees that eat into your profits. What you need is a platform that streamlines your trading experience, giving you all the tools you need in one place.

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