
The Sandbox



Harga The Sandbox SAND untuk hari ini adalah 0.2806 Dolar AS. Memiliki kapitalisasi pasar sebesar 696195293 dan volume perdagangan sebanyak 41190 selama 24 jam terakhir. Suplai yang beredar saat ini sebesar 2481357126 Juta koin.

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Ikuti grafik harga real time The Sandbox untuk berspekulasi pada pergerakan harga pasangan SAND/USD. Dengan grafik live yang nyaman, kamu dapat melihat harga SAND/USD saat ini, menganalisis dinamika harga, melacak nilai tukar historis SAND ke USD, membangun strategi perdaganganmu, dan trading The Sandbox menggunakan leverage di PrimeXBT.

Tentang The Sandbox

The Sandbox is a decentralized platform and a virtual world that operates on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to create, own, and monetize virtual assets and gaming experiences.

This platform is part of the broader metaverse, offering a space where users can buy and sell blockchain-based assets using the SAND token.

The Sandbox metaverse is known for empowering players with true ownership of in-game items and virtual land, which can be traded in the Sandbox marketplace.

How does the Sandbox work?

The platform focuses on leveraging blockchain technology to ensure that all digital assets within the platform are truly owned by their creators and users. The platform uses non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to represent ownership of virtual items and land.

SAND tokens are the currency used within this platform, facilitating transactions such as purchasing land, trading items, and participating in governance decisions.

The role of blockchain technologies in the Sandbox

Blockchain technology is integral to the Sandbox ecosystem, providing a decentralized framework where users can interact with digital assets securely and transparently.

The blockchain ensures that assets like virtual land and items are immutable and can be freely traded in the Sandbox marketplace.

This decentralized approach offers users a level of control and ownership that is not possible in traditional gaming platforms.

Who are the founders of the Sandbox?

The Sandbox was co-founded by Arthur Madrid and Sebastien Borget. Arthur Madrid serves as the CEO, while Sebastien Borget is the COO.

Both creators had a vision to create a platform that empowers users and creators through blockchain technology and user-generated content.

What is Sandbox (SAND) used for?

SAND tokens serve multiple purposes in the Sandbox platform. They are mainly used for transactions, such as buying and selling virtual land, and for governance, allowing users to vote on key decisions about the platform's development.

Additionally, SAND can be staked to earn rewards, making it a valuable asset for both traders and participants of the platform.

The history of the Sandbox: Key events and milestones

Initial launch and early development

The Sandbox began as a mobile game before transitioning into a blockchain-based platform in 2018. This marked a significant shift towards creating a decentralized platform for digital assets.

The early development stages saw the introduction of SAND tokens, which quickly became central to the platform's economy. The initial price of Sandbox was in the range between $0.04-$0.06.

Introduction of the Sandbox marketplace

In 2021, The Sandbox launched its marketplace, allowing users to buy and sell virtual assets using SAND tokens. This marketplace became a crucial part of the Sandbox, driving demand for SAND and contributing to a significant increase in the Sandbox price.

SAND price increased by nearly 50%, reaching $1 per token by September 2021. The introduction of this marketplace also expanded the utility of SAND, reinforcing it's role within the platform.

The metaverse boom and SAND's all-time high price

The Sandbox was at the forefront of the metaverse boom in late 2021, which saw a surge in the price of SAND. The Sandbox price chart shows that SAND reached its highest price in November 2021, peaking at $8.40.

This period of growth was fuelled by increasing interest in virtual worlds and the adoption of blockchain in the gaming industry.

Bear market and price correction

After reaching its all-time high, the price of the Sandbox experienced a correction during the broader Cryptocurrency bear market action in 2022-2023.

Despite the SAND price correction, The Sandbox continued to develop new features and tools, ensuring that the platform remained attractive to its growing user base.

Recent developments

In recent months, The Sandbox has introduced several new features, including a layer-2 marketplace and a mobile version of the platform. These developments aim to enhance the user experience and attract more participants.

Over the past year the price of Sandbox (SAND) has been balancing in the range between $0.5-$0.3, reflecting ongoing developments within the platform.

Sandbox markets information

The Sandbox's current market cap is around $500 million, with a 24-hour trading volume of $200 million. The active circulation of SAND tokens is 1.5 billion, with a max supply of 3 billion.

Understanding the factors influencing SAND's price

The Sandbox price today is influenced by many factors, including market sentiment, ongoing developments, macroeconomic conditions and regulatory changes.

The SAND utility token's role within the platform, including its use in governance and staking, also plays a significant part in determining its value.

SAND token utility in the Sandbox metaverse

The SAND utility token is essential for participating in the metaverse. It is used for transactions within the Sandbox platform, including purchasing land and digital items, and for staking to earn rewards.

The role of governance tokens in the Sandbox

The token also serves as a governance token, allowing holders to vote on important decisions related to the platform's future. Governance tokens, such as SAND, play a critical role in the Sandbox ecosystem.

By holding SAND, users can vote on proposals related to the development and management of the platform, ensuring that it evolves in a way that benefits the entire community.

The Sandbox marketplace and digital assets

The marketplace is a key component of the Sandbox. It provides a space where users can trade assets that have real-world value.

The introduction of the marketplace has significantly increased the demand for SAND and has contributed to the overall growth of the platform.

The importance of user's content in the Sandbox

Content generated by users is at the core of the Sandbox's value. The platform provides tools like VoxEdit and the Game Maker, which allow users to create their own games and assets. This approach has led to a thriving gaming community within it's metaverse.

The impact of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in the Sandbox

NFTs are also a cornerstone of the Sandbox, allowing users to create, own, and trade unique digital assets.

The use of NFTs has introduced a new dimension to the gaming experience, offering players the ability to collect, buy and sell virtual assets with real value.

Why trade SAND?

Trading SAND offers an opportunity to participate in the growth of the Sandbox metaverse. The SAND token's utility in the platform, combined with its role in governance and staking, makes it an attractive asset for traders.

The Sandbox uses decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) to govern its ecosystem. With their help, SAND holders can propose and vote on changes to the platform. This ensures that the platform remains aligned with the interests of its users, and provides benefits for the entire community.

Moreover, the Sandbox has the potential to become one of the leading metaverses in the blockchain gaming space. The Sandbox is well-positioned to capitalize on the growing interest in virtual worlds and the blockchain.

As the platform continues to develop and expand, it is likely to attract even more users and creators, further strengthening its position in the gaming industry.

Trading SAND di PrimeXBT

Persyaratan Perdagangan

Jenis aset
Jenis leverage
Cross / Isolated
Ukuran order minimum
Ukuran maks. per order
80000 SAND
Jenis order
Limit, Stop, Market
Tingkat pendanaan long/short
0.03% / -0.005%
Pembiayaan berikutnya
29/3/2025, 0.00.00 UTC
Biaya Maker / Taker
0.01% / 0.045%

Beberapa informasi penting

Persyaratan perdagangan di platform kami diperbarui setiap hari untuk mencerminkan rata-rata dari hari sebelumnya. Meskipun kami mencoba untuk selalu menyediakan persyaratan yang terbaik, persyaratan dapat bervariasi dan dapat dipengaruhi oleh peristiwa pasar pendasar. Info yang kami sediakan hanya untuk tujuan indikatif dan dapat diubah kapan saja.

Persyaratan perdagangan yang disediakan di atas berlaku dalam kondisi pasar normal. Kami berhak mengubah persyaratan ini kapan saja, sesuai dengan Syarat dan Ketentuan kami.

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