Illiquidity Definition Most crypto enthusiasts are familiar with the concept of liquidity, as it’s a critical factor in trading. But what does it mean when a market is illiquid? Read on to find out the illiquidity defini... Immutability Definition The emergence of blockchain technology has transformed the way we think about data storage and security. One of the key concepts that underpin it is immutability - let’s explore what this term mean... Income Definition Income is a crucial financial concept that impacts our daily lives and plays a vital role in investment decisions. In this article, we will tap into the income definition, describe its various form... Indirect Finance Definition As individuals and businesses seek to grow their wealth, they often turn to financing options that can help them achieve their goals. One such option is indirect finance - read on to find out what ... Inflation Definition In this guide, we will take a closer look at what inflation means in the crypto context and share the key details you need to know about it. What Is Inflation? Inflation in the crypto industry re... Initial Coin Offering Definition Are you interested in investing in cryptocurrencies? If so, you might have heard of initial coin offering events. Check out the explanation below to find out what they are all about! What Is An In... Initial Exchange Offering Definition Initial coin offerings have been losing their appeal over the past few years. Instead, many crypto projects and investors opt for initial exchange offering (IEO) events. Check out the explanation b... Initial Public Offering Definition Virtually any investor nowadays has heard the term “initial public offering. But what exactly does it mean? Find out by reading the explanation below! What Is An Initial Public Offering? An initi... Interest Rate Risk Definition Understanding interest rate risk is essential for effective portfolio management - learn more about this concept here! What Is An Interest Rate Risk? The term “interest rate risk” refers to the h... Internal Financing Definition Funding is an extremely important topic for any business, regardless of industry. Fortunately, companies have different ways of receiving it both internally and externally. In this guide, we will t... Investment Fund Definition You have definitely heard of the term “investment fund”, but do you know what it means? Read ahead for a straightforward explanation! What Is An Investment Fund? An investment fund is a pool of c... Investment Strategy Definition Investing without any plan can lead to a lack of direction and a subsequent loss of financial means. Read on to find out what an effective investment strategy is and learn how to develop one for yo... IOU Definition IOUs are widely used between individuals and businesses worldwide. Get to know the IOU definition in the crypto context and beyond by checking out the explanation below! What Is IOU? The term “IO... Isolated Margin Definition Isolated margin mode is an effective tool to have in your crypto trading arsenal. Find out what this term means below! What Is An Isolated Margin?  The isolated margin mode enables crypto traders...