Taker Definition The market taker definition is best explained side by side with the market maker concept. Thus, in this guide, you will find out which roles these two types of traders play in the crypto space and ... Tangible Assets Definition Understanding what the term “tangible assets” means is crucial for individuals and businesses alike, as it plays a vital role in financial planning and decision-making. Read on for a detailed expla... The 51 Percent Attack Definition Read on to find out what a 51 percent attack is and what exactly can mean for a blockchain network! What Is A 51 Percent Attack? A 51 percent attack, also known as a majority attack, is a situati... Ticker Definition Crypto traders encounter ticker symbols all the time - read on to find out which function they perform. What Is A Ticker?  A ticker symbol is the short combination of letters widely used to refer... To The Moon Definition Going to the moon has always been associated with new frontiers and breakthroughs. So, it comes as no surprise that this powerful symbol has found its reflection in the crypto space - read ahead to... Token Definition Knowing the token definition is fundamental for understanding crypto processes. Find out what this term means here! What Is A Token?  A token is a digital unit of value that exists as a blockchai... Token Lockup Definition A token lockup is an important concept that every crypto investor should understand - read on to get to know what it means! What Is A Token Lockup? The term “token lockup” refers to a period of t... Token Sale Definition Get to know the token sale definition and find out which role this event plays in the launch of new crypto projects by reading the explanation below! What Is A Token Sale? A token sale, more comm... Total Supply Definition One of the main metrics to consider when evaluating the potential of a cryptocurrency investment is its total supply. Read ahead to find out more about it! What Is A Total Supply? The total suppl... Transaction ID Definition Any person who has ever attempted to buy or exchange cryptocurrency has encountered the term “transaction ID”. So what exactly does it mean? What Is A Transaction ID?  A transaction ID, also know... Transactions Per Second (TPS) Definition Talking about blockchain speed and scalability is impossible without using the term “transactions per second (TPS)” - read ahead to find out what it means. What Is “Transactions Per Second” (TPS)?... Turing Complete Definition You may have noticed that some blockchain technology use cases are classified as Turing complete. This characteristic is determined by the scripting technology used and highly influences the way a ...